
I love to travel. I love to see the world, to experience new places and to visit much loved much frequented places. At the moment, as I sit at my desk to write this, the world is in an interesting place. There is minimal travel, and here in Australia, we have only recently opened state boarders so that families living interstate can visit each other.

Compared to the rest of the world we have gotten off lightly Covid-wise. There have been restrictions but so far we have managed to keep Covid to a minimum. I see many of the amazing countries I have travelled to in the past struggling with Covid and its heart-breaking to see the lives lost or affected by this. And of course, we cannot travel far. Most Australians cannot leave the country without a reason to do so and therefore many of us are discovering our own country anew.

When I first had the idea to be a travelling coach and to combine my coaching with my love of travel, the world was a very different place. And then suddenly, we had to cancel travel plans (for me Thailand and Vietnam), and whilst I found this disappointing at least we were relatively safe tucked away here.

Yes, it meant that the overseas sections of my plans had to be rethought. But, I considered, I can still take people to Melbourne, Hobart, Brisbane, Perth, etc. Then our internal boarders began to shut. What to do? I took time out to reflect and to recreate, to work on the back ends of my business.

And then, a mini inspiration. Combine coaching with day trips to the wonderful regions within NSW. I am now ready to offer these day trips having researched some of the great places nearby and doing some pilot runs. And yes, the world will slowly open up and return to normal. As it does I will add more options.

Of course, I am able to provide coaching right here in Wollongong so if travelling and exploring is not your thing, that’s ok. We can accommodate you right here either in person or via an online platform. The choice is yours.


Coming soon.